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The Spice of Life

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More than 50% of kitchens we design for homeowners in the Upper Valley are predominately white.  There are many compelling reasons to select a white kitchen. A white pallet provides a clean, crisp and classic vibe to a dream kitchen.  White works […]

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Happiness Is a Warm Kitchen

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The role and functional needs of the home have been transformed during the last three years.  Homeowners the Upper Valley have used their homes as offices, conference rooms, classrooms, cafes, libraries and a host of other functions because many have and […]

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Stranded on an Island?

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When many homeowners the Upper Valley bring us idea books or mood boards with images of kitchen islands that have captured their imagination, most feature seating on one side of the island only.  Many islands only feature one sided seated because […]

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Green with Envy

Chester Forest Green Wickes Kitchen

White kitchens will never go out of style and will continue to be the color of choice for many homeowners the Upper Valley.  However, we are seeing increased demand among our clients to bring more of mother nature into their home, […]

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